Your Credit and Your Future

Great article in the Arizona Republic today by Russ Wiles about getting control of your credit issues. I work with three fantastic clients and experts who teach how important it is to understand your credit, money and finances. Dean Wegner is a certified credit counselor and he says you can actually freeze your credit report. Also, …

Wedding Invites and Cards

I am planning my wedding and an important part of it is the message I convey through the printed materials, like the invitations, save the dates and ceremony programs. I am lucky to have a former bride and good friend help me sort through the hundreds of options and choices. Her name is Melissa and …

Hawaii for under $300

If you have to deal with the heat and stay in AZ, you may as well go and treat yourself…July Specials from The Massage and Esthetics Studio.       Hawaiian vacation How do you get to Hawaii for under $300 this summer?  With a Hawaiian spa vacation at The Massage & Esthetics Studio!  Close …


BOTOX, BOTOX, BOTOX! Botox News and Honors at Derma Health Institute. DERMA HEALTH INSTITUTE of Mesa and Chandler was just honored as a Diamond Level provider for BOTOX® and JUVEDERM™ by Allergen (the company that produces BOTOX and JUVEDERM) Derma Health Institute is one of the largest providers of BOTOX® and JUVEDERM™ in Arizona. What this means …