Bio-Match Therapy is the New Solution for Menopausal Problems in Valley Women

00430018Derma Health Institute can help restore you to your former self by taking a sample of your hormones and creating an individualized plan using all-natural hormones that perfectly match those you have lost. Attend one of their upcoming seminars to have all your questions answered about this important time in your life.

There is no cost to attend and you’re free to bring a friend. Please RSVP for your closest location below:

Mesa/Gilbert Location
Derma Health Institute
4140 E. Baseline Rd., #110
Mesa, AZ 85206
480-539-0777 – CALL TO RSVP
Thurs, October 15, at 6:00 pm
Sat, November 7, at 9:00 am
Thurs, December 17, at 6:00 pm

The new Bio-Match Therapy from Derma Health Institute is able to correct the effects of menopause, with an individual treatment for each woman. The Bio-Match therapy works to balance hormones for women going through menopause to help end side effects such as hot flashes, headaches and mood swings.

Bio-Match Therapy is an individualized program that aims at reducing the effects of menopause on women. The hormones that are used are all natural, so essentially women are only putting more of their own natural hormones into their body to balance out the effects of menopause. The most important aspect of the Bio-Match Therapy is that it is not an off-the-shelf prescription. It is made individually for each person and their particular needs.

Before a woman can start to use Bio-Match Therapy, comprehensive tests and research are done concerning the client’s medical history. Once all of the tests are done, doctors prescribe natural hormones that are an exact match to the client’s to help balance the fluctuation in hormones due to menopause. Clients have available to them natural hormone balancing cream, supplements, nutritional planning help and an easy to follow guide. The doctors also make a point of ensuring the plan is perfect for each client and help them during the entire process of the plan.

Women who could potentially benefit from the Bio-Match Therapy include women who are suffering from pre-menopausal symptoms, menopausal symptoms, post-menopausal symptoms, thyroid disorder or adrenal fatigue symptoms. Benefits of the Bio-Match Therapy include an end to hot flashes, weight gain, mood swings, low libido, night sweats, memory loss and headaches.

“At Derma Health Institute we aim to help our clients deal with the difficult parts of menopause and help them restore themselves into their former self,” Trish Gulbranson, the owner of Derma Health Institute, said. “We know that menopause can be a very difficult time, so we want to try and make it as easy a process as possible through this personalized program,” she said.

Derma Health Institute is also currently offering free consultations with clients to see if they are potential candidates for the Bio-Match Therapy treatments. Currently, the therapy costs $799. There are also supplements as well as cream which are beneficial and available to be added on to the service for an additional cost.

For more information or to schedule an appointment for a free consultation about Bio-Match Therapy at Derma Health Institute, call (480) 539-0777 Mesa/Gilbert, (480) 730-9000 Chandler/Tempe, (480) 460-1505 Ahwatukee/Phoenix or (480) 991-7900 Paradise Valley/Scottsdale. For more info go to